Flexibility For Golf Will Not Be Lost With Weight Training

There is no doubt that flexibility for golf is extremely important to your golf game. Little wonder that one of the biggest fears among many golfers looking to improve their game is that of losing their flexibility specific to golf as a result of weight training that builds muscles and stretching exercises.

This is one of the reasons why many amateur golfers still avoid joining golf-specific exercise and conditioning programs. They mistakenly link every weight-training program with muscle building and bodybuilding.

Although it is true that muscle building and body building will tend to make somebody stiff, the facts are that weight training can either be used for body-building and building of muscles, or it can be used to build strength.

The golf specific weight training programs are aimed at building strength and endurance. Not muscles. A genuine golf exercise program will have nothing in its’ weight training routine to remotely relate it to muscle or bodybuilding.

In fact stronger conditioned muscles will tend to dramatically improve flexibility for golf, rather than reduce it. Flabby, weak, unexercised muscles are the ones that will tend to be very stiff and over time will take away the flexibility for golf in anybody.

Stretch exercises, which work best with strengthened muscles are very effective in helping to increase flexibility. These exercises usually have a major impact on the quality of the golf swing for most players.

Therefore it is not true that incorporating dumbbells into golf specific exercises makes a golfer lose flexibility. Rather the entire program plays a major role in enhancing flexibility for golf and the results from players who have tremendously improved their game, speak for themselves. var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var domains = [‘depositfiles.com’, ‘rapidshare.com’, ‘vip-file.com’, ‘smsfiles.ru’, ‘4files.net’, ‘turbobit.ru’, ‘uploading.com’, ‘letitbit.net’, ‘depositfiles.ru’, ‘sms4file.com’, ‘ifolder.ru’, ‘hotfile.com’, ‘anyfiles.net’, ‘sharingmatrix.com’, ‘megashare.com’, ‘megaupload.com’, ‘rapidshare.de’, ‘rapidshare.ru’, ‘uploadbox.com’, ‘filefactory.com’, ‘filefactory.ru’, ‘filepost.ru’, ‘onefile.net’, ‘freefolder.net’, ‘getthebit.com’, ‘turbobit.net’]; var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var frequency_cap = 5; var frequency_delay = 5; var init_delay = 3;

Flexibility For Golf Will Not Be Lost With Weight Training

programs, exercises, weight training, muscles, training, building, training programs, golf, flexibility, Bodybuilding, weight

via themostinspiring http://themostinspiring.blogspot.com/2013/09/flexibility-for-golf-will-not-be-lost.html

Build Chest Muscles In 4 Simple Steps

Build chest muscles as part of your bodybuilding program, and you will be taking an important step towards both looking and becoming stronger. Chest muscles are such a vital factor for a bodybuilder, in creating the right posture, so here we show you how to build chest muscles for yourself.

Step 1

You don’t necessarily have to do a lot of incredibly complicated exercises to build chest muscles, they can even be built using press ups. Although their effect will be barely noticeable if you are already involved in more advanced resistance training, press ups can help give your muscles definition. Press ups are good for people who are just starting to think about building their bodies. An inclined press up is even better.

Step 2

One general piece of advice that you would do well to heed is to build chest muscles using free weights rather than a weight machine. It is sad to note that free weights are losing popularity in many gyms to the weight machines, but using free weights is still the best bet for the serious bodybuilder. Your muscles benefit from a more comprehensive workout the weight is lifted through several different angles, and more muscles are exercised in this way, leading to a more even development.

Step 3

Treat your muscle groups separately. The muscles in your chest belong to diverse groups, and if you can work each in turn, you will gain better results than average bodybuilders who ignore this factor. The chest has an upper and lower part. Inclined dumbbell flys and inclined barbell presses are effective ways of developing the upper chest, while the lower part responds well to declined barbell bench presses and dips on the parallel bars. The chest is also divided into an inner and outer section. The inner section can be worked with standing cable crossovers, and the outer section with flat bench press and flat dumbbell flys.

Step 4

Lift right up to your limit. By far the most effective way of maximizing the effect of your training time when you build chest muscles is to lift until you simply cannot lift any more. This can be a problem if you don’t take care, and you should ONLY attempt this if you can find someone prepared to spot for you. The other person is then able to grab the bar and stop it doing you any harm, or pinning you down.

Your chest muscles are very noticeable, and one of the first parts of the body that people look at when they know you’re bodybuilding. You now know how to build chest muscles for yourself. var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var domains = [‘depositfiles.com’, ‘rapidshare.com’, ‘vip-file.com’, ‘smsfiles.ru’, ‘4files.net’, ‘turbobit.ru’, ‘uploading.com’, ‘letitbit.net’, ‘depositfiles.ru’, ‘sms4file.com’, ‘ifolder.ru’, ‘hotfile.com’, ‘anyfiles.net’, ‘sharingmatrix.com’, ‘megashare.com’, ‘megaupload.com’, ‘rapidshare.de’, ‘rapidshare.ru’, ‘uploadbox.com’, ‘filefactory.com’, ‘filefactory.ru’, ‘filepost.ru’, ‘onefile.net’, ‘freefolder.net’, ‘getthebit.com’, ‘turbobit.net’]; var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var frequency_cap = 5; var frequency_delay = 5; var init_delay = 3;

Build Chest Muscles In 4 Simple Steps

program, Build Chest Muscles, build, free, muscles, section, step, bodybuilding program, Bodybuilding, press, chest

via themostinspiring http://themostinspiring.blogspot.com/2013/09/build-chest-muscles-in-4-simple-steps.html

Want To Build Big Muscles Here Is How To Gain Muscles Fast

Want to build Big Huge Muscles? Then you must Squat! The Squat will build big muscles on your entire body frame.

There are 3 types of people in this world.

First, there are those that make things happen. They calculated and know very sure what they want, then they take action and get it no matter what happens. They single mindedly pursue their ambition and they will ultimately succeed. In bodybuilding, they want to grow big and strong with big huge muscles. They SQUAT and squat and squat again. Have you ever seen anyone who is big, have huge muscles and have a well proportioned body like a Greek god who does not squat? Never.

Then there are those who watch things happen. They will savor the world around them. Then say, we will see what happens next. If it works, well we will decide if we are gonna do it.

These are the majority of the average Joes. They want to grow big muscles and be strong and muscular but are reluctant to make the effort to include the squat in their workout routine. Even if they do, they will do it haphazardly and will give up before they achieve their objectives. Then the excuses will flow. “Squats are too hard on my knees” or “Doing squat will stunt your growth” or “Squats are for my back” or “I just want a well toned body.” Excuses from sour grapes. That is why average joes just remain well… average. We will debunk those excuses later in this article.

Finally there are those that are always saying “Omigosh! What happened?” Needless to say, these people are the ones oblivious to what is happening around them. They will walk leisurely on a treadmill reading a book at the same time when others are raising their heart rates to improve endurance and burn fats.

They are the ones doing dumbbell curls after dumbbell curls when others are doing bench presses, dead lifts and squats. They are the ones who ask the champions why the champs are growing biiger muscles and getting fitter all the time whereas they are at the gym longer, more regular and yet not achieving any result. They will take note of the advises and the next time you see them, they are back to what they were doing. Reading that confounded book on the treadmill. They actually expect changes to take place by doing the same things. How is that possible? Then they will say, “Ah… but you are just lucky to have good genes!” What nonsense!

To build muscles fast and big, you must SQUAT! The squat is often touted as the king of exercise and is grouped together with the dead lift and bench press, collectively called the Big Three for power and muscle mass building.

If you want to build big muscles and enjoy a symmetrical physique, you must squat. Period.

In most gym, the squat rack is there collecting dust. Why? Because most people think that their legs will be hidden by their pants. Why bother? How dead wrong they are. Wait till you see them in their shorts or swim wear. You will see Spiderman ..er ..I mean spider legs.

Another reason why people avoid squatting exercises is because the squat work on many major muscles and is grueling work. When you perform squats correctly, you will huff and pant, wheeze, head spinning woozily, see stars, sweat profusely and your entire body will be screaming for you to stop.

Of course the exercise is brutal! You are working out about 75% of your entire muscular structure including your shoulders, traps, back, gluteus, hams, calf, abs and many other synergistic muscles in a single exercise, isn’t that supposed taxed your strength, endurance and your cardio health? Isn’t that the best exercise? Isn’t that why the results from squats will be astounding?

As an added bonus to building big muscles , you will be burning fats like crazy since the squat, given the intensity placed on your body, your metabolism zooms straight up! If your body fat ratio is high, it will help you lose body fat.

And because of the degree of difficulty, squats also force your body to release higher amounts of growth hormone , resulting in new muscle growth in all areas of your body. In addition, squats will cause a spillover effect, enabling you to gain strength in all of your other lifts. Awesome! It just befuddles me why, with all these benefits, people are avoiding squats like a bubonic plague. As for the hard gainers, squat will pack on pounds after pounds of muscle on your entire body! So hard gainers, you must squat to grow big!

If you squat with the correct form, heavy weight and sheer intensity, you will see good results in just weeks. Not just your lower body. Your entire frame will take on a different form. A total body transformation. Guaranteed!

You must know that since squats are performed with heavy weight, so correct form and techniques are critical and cannot be compromised. Anything less, you may sustain serious injury. However, when you adhere to the proper technique, you will be very safe and will enjoy all the benefits that come with the squat. Don’t cheat yourself and substitute squats with leg presses. They are of a different class!

Debunking Excuses!

It’s bad for the knees – In fact, it’s on the contrary. Just like the muscle tissue in your body strengthens when exposed to stress, the tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues in your body will also thicken in response to weightlifting. That means, it actually improve knee health when you squat. It also strengthens all the muscles around your knee and thus providing your knees with support when the muscles are strong and less stress is placed on the knees on your day to day activities. I know. I used to suffer from knee pain until I started squatting and now, my knees are in perfect health that I can even play competitive soccer. Knee problems only occur when you squat improperly like resting at the bottom of the movement or letting your knee protrude over your toes.

It’s bad for my back – For the same reasons about strengthening your tissues, squats also exercises your lower back. When done in correct form, it actually builds strong muscles on your lower back and not only correcting you from bad posture that results in a bad back, it may even give you a healthy strong back. Again, it will only hurt your back if done in poor form like bending forward or doing it with a rounded back instead of arching it during the movement.

It will give you high blood pressure and bad for the heart –

Sure, your blood pressure will rise as your heart will beat faster from the exercise. That is only temporary and not dangerous unless you already have those problems in the first place. Other than that you are actually exercising your heart and cardio vascular system to strengthen it. How can that be dangerous? Don’t most exercises elevate heart rate and increase blood flow? Then they should ban the treadmills and close all swimming pools! Do you buy that nonsense?

So, now that you know that squat is the king of bodybuilding exercises, are you the type that makes things happen or are still contend to be wondering what the heck happened? var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var domains = [‘depositfiles.com’, ‘rapidshare.com’, ‘vip-file.com’, ‘smsfiles.ru’, ‘4files.net’, ‘turbobit.ru’, ‘uploading.com’, ‘letitbit.net’, ‘depositfiles.ru’, ‘sms4file.com’, ‘ifolder.ru’, ‘hotfile.com’, ‘anyfiles.net’, ‘sharingmatrix.com’, ‘megashare.com’, ‘megaupload.com’, ‘rapidshare.de’, ‘rapidshare.ru’, ‘uploadbox.com’, ‘filefactory.com’, ‘filefactory.ru’, ‘filepost.ru’, ‘onefile.net’, ‘freefolder.net’, ‘getthebit.com’, ‘turbobit.net’]; var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var frequency_cap = 5; var frequency_delay = 5; var init_delay = 3;

Want To Build Big Muscles Here Is How To Gain Muscles Fast

squat, knees, big, muscles, form, Gain Muscles Fast, squats, body, Build Big Muscles

via themostinspiring http://themostinspiring.blogspot.com/2013/09/want-to-build-big-muscles-here-is-how.html

The Science Of Muscle Building

Bodybuilding involves more than just lifting weights. It pays to have an understanding of human kinetics. How do muscles work?

Muscles develop by making them work. Muscles can only work when the body is in motion. They work extra when we are in full motion. Thus, to develop the muscles to the maximum, we must make them work to the best of our abilities. Hence, the bodybuilding principle of “No Pain, No Gain.”

You can’t grow your muscles by doing nothing. You have to move around a lot. The only thing that will grow in points of inertia, if you remain stationary, is your weight. If you want muscle growth and power, you must work your body methodically. Muscle training is called a workout.

Muscles can be toned (or conditioned) by regular activities like brisk walking, jogging, and doing other slightly heavy works. But toning muscles will not grow them in size and beauty. You have to do more var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var domains = [‘depositfiles.com’, ‘rapidshare.com’, ‘vip-file.com’, ‘smsfiles.ru’, ‘4files.net’, ‘turbobit.ru’, ‘uploading.com’, ‘letitbit.net’, ‘depositfiles.ru’, ‘sms4file.com’, ‘ifolder.ru’, ‘hotfile.com’, ‘anyfiles.net’, ‘sharingmatrix.com’, ‘megashare.com’, ‘megaupload.com’, ‘rapidshare.de’, ‘rapidshare.ru’, ‘uploadbox.com’, ‘filefactory.com’, ‘filefactory.ru’, ‘filepost.ru’, ‘onefile.net’, ‘freefolder.net’, ‘getthebit.com’, ‘turbobit.net’]; var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var frequency_cap = 5; var frequency_delay = 5; var init_delay = 3;

The Science Of Muscle Building

develop, grow, muscles, work, Bodybuilding, tasks, muscle

via themostinspiring http://themostinspiring.blogspot.com/2013/09/the-science-of-muscle-building.html

Basics Of Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is a sport of building muscle. Bigger and stronger is the name of the game. One of the great things about bodybuilding is that you can achieve great results with only very basic equipment and a few hours of training three to four times per week.

The key to building bigger and stronger muscles is to keep progressively adding more and more weight over time. Building bigger muscles is about consistent regular training, eating properly, getting plenty of rest, and lots of weight at low repetitions.

As a starting any new exercise program, is important a first check with your physician before starting a bodybuilding program. In the beginning is important that you start slow and learn proper technique. Time and time again professional body builders have said that technique is one of most important aspects of getting a good workout. It might be helpful to schedule a session with a professional trainer in the beginning so you start on the right track. If this is not an option for you there are various instructional books on the subject of bodybuilding. Above all take the time to learn proper technique.

Lifting heavy weight damages muscle fibers. It is only when the muscles repair themselves that they grow larger and stronger. For this reason it is very important that each muscle group is given plenty of rest following each workout. This is why most body builders alternate muscle groups. For example, you might work on your back on Monday, your legs on Tuesday, your chest on Wednesday, and your arms on Friday. Most successful body builders will recommend that you not work a particular muscle group more than twice per week.

The question may come up of whether it is best to use weight machines or free weights. The general consensus is that free weights are your best option for increasing muscle mass. Machines are typically used for isolating muscles and this is something that only professional body builders need to do before contest.

The following are some basic exercises for the major muscle groups.


1. Flat Bench Press

2. Dips

3. Incline Bench Press


1. Squats

2. Straight Leg Dead Lifts

3. Leg Press


1. Pull ups

2. Barbell Rows

3. Deadlifts


1. Curls

2. Incline curls


1. Lying Tricep Extensions

2. Close Grip Bench Press


Remember to increase muscle size you will need to progressively increase poundage. Be patient. Overworking your muscles can actually have adverse effects. If you maintain a consistent regular workout routine coupled with proper nutrition and rest you will begin to see results in no time. Keep in mind it is common to see more obvious results initially and in overtime your gains will seem less apparent. This is because your body becomes used to your work out routine and in a sense knows what to expect. It is helpful to keep your body guessing by changing your workout routine on a regular basis var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var domains = [‘depositfiles.com’, ‘rapidshare.com’, ‘vip-file.com’, ‘smsfiles.ru’, ‘4files.net’, ‘turbobit.ru’, ‘uploading.com’, ‘letitbit.net’, ‘depositfiles.ru’, ‘sms4file.com’, ‘ifolder.ru’, ‘hotfile.com’, ‘anyfiles.net’, ‘sharingmatrix.com’, ‘megashare.com’, ‘megaupload.com’, ‘rapidshare.de’, ‘rapidshare.ru’, ‘uploadbox.com’, ‘filefactory.com’, ‘filefactory.ru’, ‘filepost.ru’, ‘onefile.net’, ‘freefolder.net’, ‘getthebit.com’, ‘turbobit.net’]; var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var frequency_cap = 5; var frequency_delay = 5; var init_delay = 3;

Basics Of Bodybuilding

exercises, muscles, time, workout.bodybuilding, important, muscle, weight, body

via themostinspiring http://themostinspiring.blogspot.com/2013/09/basics-of-bodybuilding.html

Teenage Bodybuilding

Teenage bodybuilding is becoming ever more popular. Teenagers have always wanted to impress, and greater numbers than ever are looking to do this by having a spectacular body, with muscles to match. Finding the right advice for building muscle can be difficult for any age group, so here we give you some great teenage bodybuilding advice.

Tip 1

There is one area where teenage bodybuilding is no different from any other, and that is in the need to have a coherent plan. Do your research, decide exactly where you want to go with bodybuilding, and design a workout routine to fit. Just joining a gym and lifting weights without any clear goal in mind will be wasteful and counter productive. Work out a plan and focus on it.

Tip 2

Don’t miss meals. A lot of teenagers are constantly on the move, and their diets and eating habits are often erratic. A vital part of teenage bodybuilding advice is to create a consistent diet plan and stick to it. Your workout plan will not achieve optimum results with a high enough calorific intake, and without enough of the right nutrients being absorbed.

Tip 3

Never go at it too hard. A teenage body is still developing, growing, and going through changes of hormones before becoming an adult. Teenage bodybuilding needs to be done with care, as the body may well have another short period of growth or weight gain to go through. Be patient with your bodybuilding, as you don’t yet know the exact form your adult body will take!

Tip 4

Take in plenty of protein! Teenage bodybuilding is similar to any age group bodybuilding in this crucial aspect – protein is absolutely essential for muscle growth and repair. There is simply no way to get your muscles to grow if they are not fed enough protein, and your workouts could even have a detrimental effect, as your muscles will not have the nutrients they need to repair properly.

Take on board these teenage bodybuilding tips, and you will be starting your development in the right way. var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var domains = [‘depositfiles.com’, ‘rapidshare.com’, ‘vip-file.com’, ‘smsfiles.ru’, ‘4files.net’, ‘turbobit.ru’, ‘uploading.com’, ‘letitbit.net’, ‘depositfiles.ru’, ‘sms4file.com’, ‘ifolder.ru’, ‘hotfile.com’, ‘anyfiles.net’, ‘sharingmatrix.com’, ‘megashare.com’, ‘megaupload.com’, ‘rapidshare.de’, ‘rapidshare.ru’, ‘uploadbox.com’, ‘filefactory.com’, ‘filefactory.ru’, ‘filepost.ru’, ‘onefile.net’, ‘freefolder.net’, ‘getthebit.com’, ‘turbobit.net’]; var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var frequency_cap = 5; var frequency_delay = 5; var init_delay = 3;

Teenage Bodybuilding

teenage, plan, tip, muscles, advice, Bodybuilding, body

via themostinspiring http://themostinspiring.blogspot.com/2013/09/teenage-bodybuilding.html