How To Gain Muscle Naturally No Steroids Necessary

Wondering how to gain muscle? There are many fads, gimmicks and “quick fixes” to be found, but there is really only one healthy way to gain muscle mass. You don’t need to be gifted with great genetics or use potentially dangerous illegal hormones or steroids.

The “how to gain muscle” question has a relatively simple two-step process:

1) increase your caloric intake, and

2) workout. This combination will provide the desired results.

Don’t be embarrassed to look in the mirror! You CAN have the body that you strive to achieve. When you first begin thinking about how to gain muscle, the first instinct may be “But I don’t want to gain fat”. Losing fat and gaining muscle mass are two different objectives, and are tackled in two different ways. At this point you have to realize that dieting and exercising to lose weight is different than dieting and exercising to gain muscle.

In gaining muscle mass, the caloric intake must be increased. You have to take in more calories that your body is used to: take in more proteins and fats-your body has no choice but to gain weight. While nutritional supplements may be utilized, this should NOT be used as a substitute for a healthy diet. The increased calories are then offset by working out with weights in order to achieve the increased muscle mass you desire. This workout will stimulate growth by “overloading” the muscles. The combination of caloric building blocks (which help rebuild and repair muscle tissue) along with the increase workout.

If you are among the millions who constantly try to gain weight and build muscle mass, remember that a firm commitment, the proper diet, and a good weight-training regimen are the best ways to succeed in reaching your goal. A muscle mass building diet includes plenty of protein and enough calories to promote weight gain.

A good place to start is to multiply your current weight by 18. This number will give you a rough idea of how many calories your body needs in a day to bulk up. If you are extremely active, play sports, or have a faster than average metabolism, you may need to increase your caloric intake even more. A muscle building diet requires a lot of effort on your part. It’s not easy to consume enough calories in three meals per day. A good suggestion would be to eat several small meals each day rather than three large ones.

Protein is a critical element in any mass building diet. Ideally, you should eat one and a half grams of protein per pound of body weight. While this seems like a lot of protein, spread over several small meals each day it will be a lot easier to meet this goal. Fish, poultry, eggs, and lean red meat are excellent sources of protein. Lots of fresh vegetables and simple carbohydrates combined with plenty of protein should allow you to meet your calorie quota each day. The best muscle building diet is a combination of consuming adequate calories and the proper types of foods. var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var domains = [‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’]; var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var frequency_cap = 5; var frequency_delay = 5; var init_delay = 3;

How To Gain Muscle Naturally No Steroids Necessary

protein, gain, diet, calories, mass, building, muscle, weight

via themostinspiring

Flexibility For Golf Will Not Be Lost With Weight Training

There is no doubt that flexibility for golf is extremely important to your golf game. Little wonder that one of the biggest fears among many golfers looking to improve their game is that of losing their flexibility specific to golf as a result of weight training that builds muscles and stretching exercises.

This is one of the reasons why many amateur golfers still avoid joining golf-specific exercise and conditioning programs. They mistakenly link every weight-training program with muscle building and bodybuilding.

Although it is true that muscle building and body building will tend to make somebody stiff, the facts are that weight training can either be used for body-building and building of muscles, or it can be used to build strength.

The golf specific weight training programs are aimed at building strength and endurance. Not muscles. A genuine golf exercise program will have nothing in its’ weight training routine to remotely relate it to muscle or bodybuilding.

In fact stronger conditioned muscles will tend to dramatically improve flexibility for golf, rather than reduce it. Flabby, weak, unexercised muscles are the ones that will tend to be very stiff and over time will take away the flexibility for golf in anybody.

Stretch exercises, which work best with strengthened muscles are very effective in helping to increase flexibility. These exercises usually have a major impact on the quality of the golf swing for most players.

Therefore it is not true that incorporating dumbbells into golf specific exercises makes a golfer lose flexibility. Rather the entire program plays a major role in enhancing flexibility for golf and the results from players who have tremendously improved their game, speak for themselves. var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var domains = [‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’]; var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var frequency_cap = 5; var frequency_delay = 5; var init_delay = 3;

Flexibility For Golf Will Not Be Lost With Weight Training

programs, exercises, weight training, muscles, training, building, training programs, golf, flexibility, Bodybuilding, weight

via themostinspiring

The Fastest Way To Build Muscle

The fastest way to build muscle is to be consistent, once you have learned what you need to know about diet and bodybuilding exercise. Provided you are following the right exercises in the right way, you will make faster gains the harder and more consistently you work out. As ever, it pays to learn what you are doing before you start, so here you will discover the fastest way to build muscle.

Step 1

If you are looking for the fastest way to build muscle, look first at your diet. You need to be taking in the right nutrients, and the right number of calories before you can expect your bodybuilding work to succeed. It is a very common error amongst newcomers to bodybuilding to over concentrate on protein. Protein is absolutely necessary, but it needs to be combined with an adequate amount of carbohydrate, or else the muscles will not have the fuel they need to use the protein and grow.

Step 2

Eat twice as much food. Of course this piece of advice presupposes that you have amended your diet to be taking in the correct balance of nutrients. If you are using diet as part of the fastest way to build muscle, eating double the amount of food will ensure that your muscles will be built, and that your hard work will pay off. Just be sure that your hunger is enough to warrant eating that much food.

Step 3

Keep a diary of when you work out. When exercises become habitual, it is easy to forget exactly how many reps you have performed, or how much weight you managed to lift at the time. Keep a record of everything you do, either on paper or by an electronic method, and you will be able to make sure that you are increasing both your number of reps and your weight at the right time. You need to be constantly increasing the demands on your body for the fastest way to build muscle.

Step 4

These four steps of the fastest ways to build muscle would not be complete without mentioning weight training technique. If your exercises are not being performed properly, you could be wasting a lot of the hard effort you are putting in. The lift phase needs to be performed with the weight under control, but as quickly and smoothly as possible, while exhaling your breath. The release is just the opposite, and needs to be executed as slowly as you can, taking at least twice as much time as you need . This may be difficult when you start, but it will soon become second nature – correct weightlifting technique is an essential part of the fastest way to build muscle

The four tips in this guide have given you a good insight into the fastest way to build muscle. Use them, and they will serve you well. var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var domains = [‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’]; var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var frequency_cap = 5; var frequency_delay = 5; var init_delay = 3;

The Fastest Way To Build Muscle

diet, fastest, build, step, Bodybuilding, muscle, weight

via themostinspiring

Basics Of Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is a sport of building muscle. Bigger and stronger is the name of the game. One of the great things about bodybuilding is that you can achieve great results with only very basic equipment and a few hours of training three to four times per week.

The key to building bigger and stronger muscles is to keep progressively adding more and more weight over time. Building bigger muscles is about consistent regular training, eating properly, getting plenty of rest, and lots of weight at low repetitions.

As a starting any new exercise program, is important a first check with your physician before starting a bodybuilding program. In the beginning is important that you start slow and learn proper technique. Time and time again professional body builders have said that technique is one of most important aspects of getting a good workout. It might be helpful to schedule a session with a professional trainer in the beginning so you start on the right track. If this is not an option for you there are various instructional books on the subject of bodybuilding. Above all take the time to learn proper technique.

Lifting heavy weight damages muscle fibers. It is only when the muscles repair themselves that they grow larger and stronger. For this reason it is very important that each muscle group is given plenty of rest following each workout. This is why most body builders alternate muscle groups. For example, you might work on your back on Monday, your legs on Tuesday, your chest on Wednesday, and your arms on Friday. Most successful body builders will recommend that you not work a particular muscle group more than twice per week.

The question may come up of whether it is best to use weight machines or free weights. The general consensus is that free weights are your best option for increasing muscle mass. Machines are typically used for isolating muscles and this is something that only professional body builders need to do before contest.

The following are some basic exercises for the major muscle groups.


1. Flat Bench Press

2. Dips

3. Incline Bench Press


1. Squats

2. Straight Leg Dead Lifts

3. Leg Press


1. Pull ups

2. Barbell Rows

3. Deadlifts


1. Curls

2. Incline curls


1. Lying Tricep Extensions

2. Close Grip Bench Press


Remember to increase muscle size you will need to progressively increase poundage. Be patient. Overworking your muscles can actually have adverse effects. If you maintain a consistent regular workout routine coupled with proper nutrition and rest you will begin to see results in no time. Keep in mind it is common to see more obvious results initially and in overtime your gains will seem less apparent. This is because your body becomes used to your work out routine and in a sense knows what to expect. It is helpful to keep your body guessing by changing your workout routine on a regular basis var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var domains = [‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’]; var adfly_id = 2618264; var adfly_advert = ‘int’; var frequency_cap = 5; var frequency_delay = 5; var init_delay = 3;

Basics Of Bodybuilding

exercises, muscles, time, workout.bodybuilding, important, muscle, weight, body

via themostinspiring